Which Foods Should I Avoid with Braces?

Getting braces is a big step toward a healthier, more confident smile, but it comes with a few adjustments—especially concerning what you eat. While it may seem challenging at first, what you eat can have a huge impact on your treatment experience and results. The team at Delplanche Orthodontics wants to make sure you get the most out of your treatment, so we’ve put together this list of foods best left off your plate.


Why What Food You Eat Matters

Let’s get technical for a second. Braces, regardless of whether they’re metal or clear, are made of brackets, wires, and ligatures (the bands that attach the wires to the brackets and give braces color). They’re pretty sturdy, and not just because they’re moving your teeth! They have to withstand sports, talking, eating, teeth grinding, drinking, and your oral hygiene routine.

However, like most things, they have limitations, and, unfortunately, certain foods are part of that limitation. 

If you eat food that’s not braces-friendly, you could damage your braces, which can…

  • Be uncomfortable or painful, depending on the seriousness of the situation. 
  • Prolong your treatment if it happens often.
  • Disrupt your schedule with additional orthodontic appointments.
  • Affect the cost of treatment.

Eating off-limits food with your braces can also impact your oral health. Sometimes, they’re not allowed because they can get stuck in your braces or be hard to remove, leading to plaque buildup around the brackets. Over time, this can increase your risk of cavities, gum inflammation, and even permanent stains on your teeth. The last thing you want is to complicate or finish your orthodontic treatment with dental issues because of poor eating habits.


Which Foods Should I Avoid with Braces?

What Foods You Should Avoid

Already have braces and need a refresher on what foods to avoid? Getting your metal braces or clear braces soon and don’t want to buy groceries you can’t eat? Or do you just need to prove to your child that they actually can’t have something, and you’re not just saying no because you want to? You’re in luck! Here is a list of examples of foods to avoid with braces.

  • Hard, crunchy chips
  • Popcorn
  • Hard cookies
  • Taffy
  • Caramel
  • Hard candy like Jolly Ranchers
  • Hard shell tacos
  • Ice cream cones
  • Corn on the cob
  • Whole apples and other hard fruits
  • Gummies
  • Gum
  • Hard Crackers
  • Beef Jerky
  • Ice Chewing
  • Hard Bread
  • Nuts
  • Stringy vegetables like celery (the string can get caught in the braces) 
  • Hard, raw vegetables

Basically, you will want to avoid anything hard, chewy, crunchy, or sticky and cut anything that requires you to bite or tear into it with your front teeth into small, bite-sized pieces. (Don’t see a specific food you’re curious about? Give us a call; we’d be happy to help.)

If this list is overwhelming, it’s okay. We understand your frustration at suddenly being unable to eat what you love. However, we encourage you to remember what this new, temporary diet is for—your new and improved smile!


Safe Foods To Enjoy

While that list might look long, scary, and exclusionary to all your favorite foods, we promise you can still enjoy eating delicious, nutritious meals and snacks. Here are some examples of satisfying, easy-on-your-braces foods you can enjoy at home, work, or restaurants:

  • Pasta
  • Soft bread
  • Oatmeal
  • Soft seafood
  • French fries
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Rice
  • Soft, boneless meats
  • Vegetables softened by boiling or steaming (but still no stringy vegetables)
  • Soft fruits like blueberries, strawberries, and bananas
  • Hard fruits that are cut into thin, bite-sized pieces
  • Soups
  • Soft shell tacos
  • Casseroles
  • Pies
  • Soft sandwiches
  • Cake
  • Smoothies
  • Milkshakes
  • Puddings
  • Ice cream
  • Yogurt
  • Soft cheeses
  • Eggs
  • Cookies that have been broken into bite-sized pieces and softened with milk
  • Thin, small pieces of crackers, preferably softened by soup

Like our previous list, this is not all-inclusive, and you can enjoy plenty of other foods! Many of the options mentioned above have endless variations in countless restaurants and recipes. Instead of thinking of braces as limiting your choices, try to see them as an excuse to expand your horizons and try items you might not have tried otherwise. 


Which Foods Should I Avoid with Braces?

Tips for Eating With Braces

  • Tip #1: When you first get your braces, your teeth might feel a little sore. No worries—it’s totally normal. You’ll also feel a similar feeling after adjustments or wire tightenings. During these times, it’s best to stick to soft foods like yogurt, mashed potatoes, soups, and smoothies until your mouth has adjusted. They are easy to eat and won’t put too much pressure on your sore teeth. As the soreness fades, you can slowly work your way back to your regular diet.
  • Tip #2: No matter what type of braces you have, drinking water throughout the day is super helpful. It rinses away food particles, keeps your braces clean, and helps prevent any plaque buildup. (It also helps to avoid dry mouth and bad breath, which can make your braces uncomfortable!)
  • Tip #3: Use a water flosser or an interdental toothbrush after meals to keep everything spotless. They make cleaning around your brackets and wires easier—even getting those hard-to-reach spots— to ensure you maintain excellent oral hygiene throughout your treatment.


Which Foods Should I Avoid with Braces?

You Can Achieve Your Dream Smile!

Eating the right foods to protect your braces is an easy way to stay on track toward that perfect smile. 

For anyone in Beaverton or Lake Oswego, Oregon, looking for expert orthodontic care, Delplanche Orthodontics is here to help. Offering personalized treatment plans and guidance throughout your orthodontic treatment, we make sure your experience is as comfortable as possible. Schedule your free in-person or virtual consultation today!